Factors to Consider When Buying CBD Hemp Oil

Where is the Hemp Grown: For superior quality and safety, hemp plants should be grown using strict organic standards from a licensed farm. Pain Care Outlet only sources their hemp oil from small, organic licensed US farms to ensure compliance with safety regulations and provide our customers the most bioavailable organic hemp oil on the market.

Know the Extraction Methods Used : To ensure the purest and highest quality, the hemp oil should be extracted directly from the plant. The plant should also be grown under strict guidelines for organic cultivation and farming. Full-spectrum hemp oil should only be obtained through Co2 extraction techniques without the presence of heavy metals, solvents, bacteria or mold.

Ensure Quality Control:  All Pain Care Outlet’s hemp products are tested in 3rd Party facilities throughout every stage of cultivation, growing and manufacturing processes. Our products are also tested to ensure appropriate WPC content and safety is maintained without the presence of heavy metals, solvents, bacteria or mold.